Thursday 27 July 2017

The Portrait of lady Essay

                                           The Portrait of a Lady
– Khushwant singh

            Khushwant singh was one of the best known Indian writers and coloumnists. In this story the The Portrait of a Lady the author recollects his memories of his grandmother.

          Singh’s parents had gone to live in the city. So they left their son Singh to live with his grandmother in the village. His grandmother was an old woman. He and his grandmother were good friends. Everyday Singh’s grandmother used to take him to school. Then she used to read scriptures in the temple attached to the school. On the way to school she used to feed the village dogs with stale chappaties.

           When the author’s parents settled comfortably in the city, they asked Singh and the grandmother to stay with them.  That happened to be the turning point in their friendship. Singh studied in an English School and used to go in a motor bus. As years rolled by they ‘saw less of each other.’

             When Singh went to the University he was given a separate room of his own. His grandmother accepted the seclusion with resignation. She spent her time feeding the sparrows and spinning. From morning till evening she sat near the wheel spinning and reciting prayers.

             Singh decided to go abroad for his higher studies. He thought that his departure it would upset his grandmother. On the contrary, his grandmother went to the railway station and silently kissed his forehead.

          Singh returned home after five years. He couldn’t find any change in his grandmother. In the evening for the first time she did not pray. She collected the ladies of the neighborhood and sang songs. However, the next day she was taken ill and died.

            The whole family made arrangements for the funeral. The sparrows mourned the death of the grandmother in silence. They ignored the bread crumbs and flew away silently.


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